Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thanny's Playdate

Many of you have heard about Thanny's play date last weekend with a neighbor boy a year older than him. It was all very exciting for Thanny, of course. The cutest part was when the two boys sat down to have some pudding together. They sat in silence for a while, then Thanny said, "At your house, do you use a napkin or a paper towel". The neighbor boy responded "napkin". A silent minute or two later Thanny took another stab at getting the conversation rolling: "at your house, do you use a fork or a spoon?" "Spoon" was the decisive response. It made for a great story and seemed harmless enough until dinner the next evening, when Thanny absolutely insisted upon trying to eat with a spoon. Anyway, this is the playdate... Thanny's friend (who really is a cute little guy) is making a face here, obviously, but I feel that it is a face that accurately reflects the spirit of the playdate.

Charlotte at Basketball Camp

Charlotte likes to dress up for basketball camp too, and I realized that I had not yet posted a pic of her doing so, so here's one from a little less than a month ago.

Charlotte Plans Her Snack

Charlotte here is contemplating what we will bring to school when it is our turn to provide a snack on Tuesday. Most of you already have heard the story of Taylor and her cutting each other's bangs... here is the result (after having been cleaned up a bit today at the Supercuts.


We had some trouble reaching our regular haircutter, and a particularly urgent need for cuts (see above post) so the kids made a desperate visit to the Supercut today. Unfortunately, Thanny somehow ended up with a quite military-looking buzz cut. I promised Mom I'd post a pic of it (Really, you don't get the full effect here... trust me, it's striking).

Putting the Camp in Basketball Camp

Charlotte and Nathaniel are playing a good deal of "basketball camp" these days. Basically, it usually begins with Charlotte inviting Nathaniel to go to basketball camp, then, after he enthusiastically assents, taking him upstairs to put on his "basketball clothes", which basically means whatever she wants him to wear, though it usually has some sort of sports-related element. Then they run around the house, sometimes with and sometimes without a ball of some sort. They play this several times a week, but I was particularly struck by yesterday's costume.