Wednesday, April 2, 2008


No real good picture to go with this, but thought I'd mention here that Charlotte is really making progress with her reading (she can sound out words, even some with vowel combinations, consonant combinations, or multiple syllables (when she sees a long word she says "let's chunk it!" and plunges right in) and Nathaniel is, as of this week, pretty much daytime potty-trained.

There is a little story about Nathaniel's potty-training... we have potty trained him sitting down to pee, since we knew that two year olds aren't tall enough to pee standing up. But of course, Nathaniel IS tall enough, and he knows that the big boys pee standing, so when there was a new teacher at his day care center, she asked him whether he sat or stood to pee and he said that he stood, and proceeded to do so. That was all fine and good, and once we figured out that he could in fact pee standing, we let him continue to do that. The next day, however, when it was time for him to have a bowel movement, he just turned around and stood with his back to the potty...

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